Letter Sent to the SCCBOE
As all citizens and parents in LASD should do, I have sent a letter to the Santa Clara County Board of Education regarding Bullis Charter School.
Here is a copy of that letter.
Note that this letter is responding to the baseless and insulting allegation that the unprecedented community response to Bullis Charter School here is completely "manufactured" and that we are all presumably puppets of our own District school board.
I urge every parent in Los Altos / Hills to send a letter to the SCCBOE and let them know how you feel, and show them you are not the mindless puppet they have assumed you are.
Here is a copy of that letter.
Note that this letter is responding to the baseless and insulting allegation that the unprecedented community response to Bullis Charter School here is completely "manufactured" and that we are all presumably puppets of our own District school board.
I urge every parent in Los Altos / Hills to send a letter to the SCCBOE and let them know how you feel, and show them you are not the mindless puppet they have assumed you are.
To: Julia Hover-Smoot <juliaghs@aol.com>; Joseph Di Salvo <josephsds1@aol.com>; Michael Chang
<michael_chang@sccoe.org>; Anna Song <anna_song@sccoe.org>;
Grace Mah <grace_mah@sccoe.org>; LeonBeauchman
<leon_beauchman@sccoe.org>; Craig Mann
<craig_mann@sccoe.org>; Charles Weis
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 at 11:22 AM
Subject: There's Nothing Manufactured About BCS Rage
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 at 11:22 AM
Subject: There's Nothing Manufactured About BCS Rage
To the Superintendent and Members of the Santa Clara County Board of Education,
I would like to talk to you about your chartered school, Bullis Charter School. You obviously know nothing about our community here or it's parents. It's time you learned.
am "just a parent" in the Los Altos School District [1]. I am not PTA, I
have no friends or relatives in the education business. I am not paid to
write this.
am deeply
concerned about the state of public education in my area. Six months ago
I was a
typical professional with only a tacit understanding of the issues of
public schools. The imminent threat of my child's school being
closed--for the very worst reasons imaginable--spurred me into action.
Never before would I have imagined I'd become an "expert" on public
education, but the last six months have been an amazing education for
I now write a blog under my pseudonym, Joan J. Strong, at: http://BullisCharterSchoolThoughts.blogspot.com/
. Why a pseudonym? Because I wish to avoid the sort of verbal abuse by
BCS supporters that have befallen other members of our community in
local parks, grocery stores, and so on. Some members of our community
have even removed their Facebook pictures to avoid detection by BCS
supporters. I have taken further steps by remaining completely
anonymous. Please forgive me, therefore, for remaining so with
Through my own research I have come to the same conclusions that Dr. Wies has recently come to: that Charter schools do not exist to solve any "actual" problems
despite their original intent to help close the achievement gap.
(Please see my blog post on "Creaming"--how Charter schools take the
easiest-to-educate kids and leave public schools with the hardest). Your
Board, so it seems, is simply
responding to voter demand when they approve
charter schools.
In the past six months of deeply immersing myself in public education issues and I've concluded that Bullis Charter School widens
the achievement gap by bringing together the children of millionaires
and billionaires and placing them in a single school, and combining
public funds with enormous private donations to create a school with
lavish programs worthy of the fanciest private school.
am certainly not against
being a millionaire or billionaire. I am certainly not against private
schools. I am, however against what BCS and its founders are doing to
our schools and our community. Any honest person can see what that is:
they have created a tax-deductible, taxpayer-subsidized private school, and they are using their lawyers to take resources away from the less fortunate.
BCS is, in short, threatening every diligent Los Altos parent who spends their time and money to help their local school. They are threatening the education of every child
in our District by opening the possibility of their local school
community being destroyed (please see my blog posting on the on the deep
and irreplaceable value of your local public school and the resultant
crucially important "social networks" titled, "The Neighborhood Public
School: Worth Fighting For").
yes, BCS is absolutely threatening to shut down neighborhood public
schools. Ken Moore, Chairman of BCS, recently went on record in the Los
Altos Town Crier as naming four LASD schools which he deemed acceptable for shutdown and appropriation
by BCS [2]. This means parents at all of these schools must now become
activists like myself lest they find their children's education and
their own connection to the community completely disrupted, all of their
friends scattered throughout the District, and the schools they worked
so hard over the years to make great, annihilated.
I am very angry about this situation, and I am not alone. I would invite you to make use of a locally-invented technology known as Google,
and enter "bullis charter school" into it (don't forget to view
"videos" and "images" as well). The first page or two of results speak
for themselves: Bullis Charter School has
elicited extreme responses from virtually any parent here who
has taken more than a few minutes to understand the situation. Many like
myself have written volumes. It's a deep injustice we're all
responding to--that some rich people, angry at the local school district
for shutting down a school (temporarily) now want to take this out on our children by closing local neighborhood public schools.
family once considered Bullis Charter School as well. I know their
marketing materials can be very enticing. I did not know then about the
background of BCS but we still did not choose the school based on our
"sixth sense" about the what we saw at their information night. Unlike
most of the BCS's applicants, we personally were "okay" with the $5000
per child "tuition" of this school. (You should note that BCS's
applicants include mostly tire-kickers as very few can afford a tuition like